Thursday, August 25, 2011


It is little appreciated, but our two party system itself fed into the Cold War, Faux War, boom, leading directly to the decline of the West.

Fighting Communism became a bipartisan agenda. (The democratic party before the war had been very sympathetic to, and infiltrated by, Soviet communists.)

Helping develop the Third World, both for humanitarian religious and environmental reasons, was a Democratic plank, mostly, I think. 

Booming individual and corporate profits by foreign market expansion and eventually large foreign investments, was a big part of both Democratic and Republican agendas, and the Republicans eventually fully embraced the free trade which the Democrats had almost always, including before the Civil War, favored. 

Just to take one huge example, of an ostensibly Democrat ideology sponsored initiative, carbon credit environmentalism, one has only to look and see how this notion has been jammed up the derriere of the West by China especially.

The Republicans like those factories, 
the Democrats like those carbon credits.
The Chinese love both. 
Imagine why.

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